Naked - website for adults

22 long videos of nudist festivals from 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017
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  • This is not porn or erotica! No censorship! Films about naturists, body freedom and self-expression through nudity!

    " "Nude Art-self-portraits of the Italian poet Fabrizia Milia

    Live erotic sculptures in the photo project of Nikolai Endegor "Marble of the Louvre"

    The photo collage of Nikolai Endegor exactly repeats the plot of Lorenzo Bartolini, the girl even managed to feel the bite of a scorpion, reflecting the emotion on her face.

    Sculpture by Jean Goujon (?) "Diana with a bow", ca. 1550. Paris, Louvre

    The nymph Salmakida, seeing the bathing son of Hermes and Aphrodite, fell in love with him without memory. However, no matter how hard she tried, she could not capture the heart of a beautiful young man. In despair, Salmakida turned to the gods with a prayer that they would forever unite her with her beloved. The prayer was heard, but it was literally fulfilled: now they have become one. So there was a bisexual being-a Hermaphrodite.
    The model of Nikolai Endegor, copying the original, seems to have brought an emotion of doomed calm.

    Rosie Roff from Instagram never ceases to amaze the population of the planet

    In ancient Greek mythology, Psyche is the personification of the soul, the breath. She was represented in the image of a trembling butterfly or a girl with a butterfly (with butterfly wings). The most famous myth is about Eros (Cupid) and Psyche, according to which the earthly girl Psyche receives immortality from Zeus for her love and loyalty and unites with her lover.

    The photographer's model perfectly embodied the image of a beautiful goddess, sometimes even admiring the sculptural similarity with the original.

    Praia do Homem Nu Algaura Portugal - Nudist Places-Naked

    Huntress Diana is the mistress of wild nature, the patroness of femininity and fertility. See how deftly the photographer's model holds the bow, proud of her perfect, truly divine forms.

    Lorenzo Bartolini's sculpture "Dircea", 1834. Paris, Louvre

    The hard-hearted Theban queen Dircea was a Bacchante, a worshipper of the god Dionysus. A moment of sad revelation is captured by the sculptor. The photographer's model's gaze is equally indifferent.

    Sarah Underwood-saMau is a bright star of Instagram-Naked

    The original name of this statue is " Premier secret confi

    Roman copy from the Greek original "The Three Graces", II century AD, Louvre, Paris

    Watch the pose. Both men and women, bending down to adjust the towel, should think about the poses that they take. Saggy breasts or dangling genitals are unlikely to please the eyes of others, unless, of course, you are a model.

    Patrick Shelley-Unusual "Nude" in the style of Art erotica-Naked

    The beautiful villager lay down to rest. How tempting her body is!

    Based on the motif of the sculptor Etienne-Maurice Falcone "Pygmalion and Galatea", 1763. Louvre, Paris

    The Cretan sculptor Pygmalion was so passionate about his work that he did not pay attention to women. Angered by this, the goddess of love Aphrodite forced him to fall in love with a statue of a young girl Galatea, created by himself, and thereby doomed him to the torments of unrequited love.

    Pygmalion's passion was so strong that Aphrodite took pity and breathed life into the statue. The revived Galatea became the wife of Pygmalion. The model, it seems, is the real Galatea, who simply fascinates with her ideal parameters.

    Based on the motif of the sculptor Paul Lemoine "Nymph Echo", 1821. Louvre, Paris

    The nymph Echo was punished by the wife of Zeus Hero for talkativeness, because she distracted the goddess with conversations when the thunderer cheated on her. Hera deprived Echo of the gift of independent speech: from now on, she could only repeat the words spoken by others. This punishment proved fatal for Echo. Having fallen in love with the beautiful Narcissus, she could not admit it to him. Suffering from an unrequited feeling, the nymph dried up, and only her voice remained...

    Sculpture by Jean-Jacques Pradier "Atalanta's Toilet", 1850. Louvre, Paris

    Shave or not. The principles of retro-nudism, supported by the majority of its adherents, preach the desire for naturism in everything, and recommend not to pay attention to the body vegetation. Many natuists in the past did not shave their moustaches, beards, or anything else, trying to emphasize their connection with untouched nature.

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