Dear shepherdess
Я не писатель, и этот рассказ был напрямую написан в мессагах, в онлайне, в аське, во время эротического общения с одной весьма раскрепощенной особой... поэтому прошу прощения за повторы и некоторую отрывистость, но основательно редактировать его я специально не стал(чуть--чуть, добавил один абзац, и опустил её реплики дабы не нарушать целостность), что бы сохранить для себя самого те ощущения и впечатления которые были у меня в ту ночь в онлайне... Кому- то может показаться слегка наивным, то что главный герой -- богатый владелец поместья, рыцарь, а героиня простая пастушка, но таково было желание той особы с которой я в тот момент общался, видеть меня в роли рыцаря, а себя в роли пастушки... И по правде это мой первый рассказ...
I went out on a hot summer afternoon to take a walk around the picturesque surroundings of my castle, and my walk led me to a shady ravine, overgrown with acacia bushes and burdock on the slopes... On the top near the ravine, on the lawn at the edge of the grove, several young, neat sheep were grazing, with pink ribbons on their necks and small bells.
I got off him, took him under a large and shady oak tree, took off my spurs, and headed for the gentle slope of the ravine... I was familiar with this place, I knew that a small river used to flow below, but it has now dried up, and did not have time to grow properly with bushes and burdock... I went down the slope enjoying the shade of acacia trees, and on the way I decided whether to fall somewhere or walk along the bottom of the ravine along the riverbed.
I decided to take a walk until I find a suitable place where I can lie down and dream... I went down, walked along the high bushes, and then the thought occurred to me, since there were sheep grazing on the edge, then there must be a shepherd somewhere nearby.To be honest, I didn't want to meet anyone at this moment, especially with some barefoot boy who would probably be afraid of me, and my delicate mood would be spoiled... So I wanted to look for a secluded place where no one could see me... I tried not to make noise, made my way through the burdock, and when I almost reached this natural hut, it seemed to me that in the flashing gaps of the greenery I was pushing apart, I saw something bright...
So... is it really a shepherd boy?
I almost laughed - I wanted to hide, but it turned out the opposite...
Of course, I wanted to look at the culprit of my bummer, and I slowly parted the burdocks... I saw a woman... She was asleep, and her measured breathing indicated that she had slept quite soundly... I watched her from the bushes... Here she moved her nose in her sleep, so funny in a childish way... here she wrinkled her forehead, and chewed her lips a little.. This is nature itself , I thought...
Так как она лежала на собранной большой куче лопухов, то во сне она чуть-чуть сползла с них, её юбка немного задралась, и приоткрыла моему взору, нежную загорелую ножку... Я окинул взглядом её фигуру... она была молодой и нежной, самый расцвет молодости и сексуальности Я смотрел на очертания её ног под юбкой, и во мне возникло непреодолимое желание увидеть больше чем открывала мне слегка задравшаяся юбка...
And especially since I'm spying on an unsuspecting and sleeping woman-it was doubly exciting, and I decided...
Trying not to make any noise, I cut a long rod from a bush, and just as quietly crept up on the burdocks, so that I would be in front of the sleeping shepherdess... I picked up the skirt with a twig, and began to lift it, trying to see what was opening up to me in its dark depths... here I have pushed my skirt almost to my knees, and I look at her legs with golden, sun-bleached hair, I look at every pore of her delicate, fresh skin... the skirt crept higher and higher...
My right knee was revealed to me, it was a little darker than the rest of the skin, there was freedom and communication with nature, with the wind, with the earth... I lifted the skirt a little higher, and I already saw her bare soft thigh... then I lifted the skirt from the second leg...
А вдруг она сейчас проснется? - подумал я. Я же сгорю со стыда ...=) но она похоже засыпала все глубже, и еще больше начала шевелить и причмокивать губами, явно находясь глубоко во сне... Я поднял юбку на чуть больше чем на ладонь выше коленок, остановился, и окинул взглядом лежащую фигуру... Передо мной лежала молодая женщина, с задранной юбкой, с голыми слегка разведенными в стороны ногами и безмятежно спящим лицом... юбка все еще скрывала тенью то что находится между её ног, но это было так близко... и она спала, и все было в моих руках...
От вида этой картины возбуждение мое достигло предела, я схватил прутик и подцепив юбку в самой середине толкнул её к верху, на живот... Я боялся что обнаружу под ней что-нибудь типа панталон, но на улице было дико жарко, и под ней все было совершенно голым... я увидел прекрасный сомкнутый и покрытый густыми волосами темный разрез, пушистый и в завитках лобок, и поднимающуюся от него к верху к невинной ямке пупка, дорожку нежности, из пушка и вьющихся волос... они были темно русые, с золотисто каштановым отливом... все было так красиво и естественно, что невозможно было оторвать взгляд...
I admired her lower hair, her rounded lips, her thighs slightly covered with delicate hair, her dark slit going down, which was hidden from me in the thickness of her hair, and the buttocks closed at the bottom... My heart was pounding, my penis was standing and sticking out my pants, and in order not to embarrass myself, I let it out... he immediately bared himself from such tension... I stroked it with my hand and squeezed it a little to disperse the tense blood... I looked at the shepherdess, at her legs and what was between them, at her buttocks peeking out from the front and covered with hair, at the dark gap peeking through her hair, and my hand began to move more and more often on the penis... I bared and begged him, I stroked my scrotum, then with difficulty tried to push the foreskin on the head, but nothing happened and I, on the contrary, bared it as much as possible...
I stood and steadily jerked off... but I didn't want to finish yet... or rather, he wanted to but did not want to. a new thought flashed in my lustful, excited mind I let go of my penis, and quietly crawled out of my hiding place I approached the shepherdess and gently touched her leg... and I almost pulled my hand away from the realization of what I was doing... her skin was soft, alive, I could look at it, touch it, and she was asleep and did not suspect anything about it! I gently touched the toes on her leg, then to the shin, to the knee, lightly touched the thigh with the whole palm, stroked the air hairs growing there on top, and turned my gaze to what was between her legs.
I touched the hair on her pubis, lightly ran it through them, passing them between my fingers, then lowered my fingers a little, and touched the pubis itself... it was soft, a little sweaty, because it was very hot, her hair was pleasantly caressing my palm, and I looked at her slit.. I leaned even closer and touched my lips to those slightly smelling hair at the very depth of the gap going down between my legs. I wanted to push it apart, to see all the tenderness and intimacy of this female flower... my penis was pulled out, and the grass growing on the ground pleasantly tickled him and his scrotum...
I raised my hand to her closed lower lips, and touched them with my index finger to one and thumb to the other, touched them a little, enjoying their softness, and the touch of the hair growing on them, then lightly pressed and slightly spread them apart... I saw the pink flesh of their inner side, saw the delicate petals of small lips stuck together, and compressed by large lips, I parted them a little higher and admired the small protruding clitoris...
And she was sleeping peacefully and, as before, moved her lips and nose in her sleep, and even smiled slightly at some pleasant dream... ...I wanted to open them further so that I could see the flesh of her tender hole. but I resisted... I just bent down and inhaled the fragrance of this pink tenderness...
But then, looking at her serene face, I was imbued with some sweet feeling and slid my finger down, along the incision going into the closed thighs, apparently thanks to my actions, she had an erotic dream, there was a smile on her face, her lips were languidly smacking, her cheeks were pink... my finger slid into the soft depth and plunged into the warm tenderness of the entrance to her vagina, she twisted her head even more smacked, it seemed to me that she even slightly spread her legs, and then I felt that it became warmer and wetter under my fingers...
Everything inside her became slippery...
It was fun to look at and caress a woman who is having an erotic dream. I took out my finger - it was wet, I sniffed it, and this warm smell spread through my body, I almost loved her, the owner of this delicate natural fragrance...
... her cheeks were burning, her mouth was slightly open, her breathing was rapid, I decided to take advantage of the moment again plunged my finger into her organ, this time it slid freely over the wet flesh there. I touched and slightly crushed her small lips, squeezed her big ones a little, rubbed her clitoris, and then plunged my finger into her very depth... in a wet, warm vagina, I enjoyed holding my finger in her vagina, I felt its walls, I enjoyed her juices, her warmth... her hair near this place had already become wet, my penis was just burning. it was a sweet torture, torture and pleasure at the same time, I stroked her vagina and vulva a little more, and I wanted to see the final touches... I got up, lifted her head and pulled the lace on her shirt from behind.
It was untied, and I quickly but easily and not rudely removed the shirt from her shoulders. Two white breasts rolled out from under her, I bent down to them, I inhaled their divine smell, I felt their tenderness and maternal grace with my whole being... I touched my lips to the nipple, then touched it with my fingers, and it hardened under them... I looked at her, she was still sleeping with red cheeks, her legs spread apart, and her bottom opened wet... I lifted her hand, stroked the hair in her armpit, kissed her. I inhaled their smell, examined them... But then I suddenly remembered that I hadn't seen something else!
Как же я мог об этом забыть! Я метнулся к её ногам, дотронулся до основания ягодиц и просунул туда палец... Он скользнул между слегка потных волос, и я натолкнулся на твердое и немного липкое колечко ануса. но видимо я не расчитал, и сделал это слишком резко... она дернулась и вдруг её ноги зашевелились... я отпрянул...
Oh my God! it's waking up! there's going to be a squeal!
But she didn't wake up! on the contrary, she brushed away a fly that had landed on her face in a dream, turned on her side, tucked her legs under her and curled up sweetly snored... I took a deep breath.. my heart was pounding wildly... And then I saw her rounded ass turned to me... I swallowed...
Carefully lifting my skirt, I pulled away... I saw wide buttocks, and since my legs were tucked up, everything that I had dreamed of seeing was revealed to me... closed labia, sparkling with grease, tender hair on them and at the beginning of the thighs. and most importantly, the pink hole of her anus, going deep into wrinkles, around which rare slightly matted hairs grew... I leaned over and touched it with my finger - it was a little sticky and elastic, I brought my face to it, I examined every wrinkle and hair of it, I smelled it - it smelled... I was wildly excited, but I knew that it was impossible to enter it inside otherwise she might wake up... I spread it a little, touched it with my lips, and my head started to spin, I couldn't stand it anymore, I sat down next to it, bared and slobbered the head of my penis as much as possible, moistened its shaft and at first slowly began to drive my hand over it. it was wet and my hand slid over it very easily with the other hand I caressed my testicles and perineum, sometimes touching the anus, and then she moved, and suddenly she farted loudly in her sleep, and her legs tightened even more, and her anus opened a little, exposing pink flesh, and my hand moved furiously , heat went through my body, spread over my legs, hands, went to my head, everything began to pulse inside, in the very center of my I began to be born and relentlessly breaking out hot, carrying away bliss, flying in a voluptuous pulsation, I was filled with this feeling, it overwhelmed me and I exploded with a waterfall, an explosion of this pleasure, I was carried away along with these streams, sperm just gushed out of my penis, I finished, finished and finished...
Я очнулся от стрекота кузнечиков, и от того что какая-то зеленая гусеница спустилась на паутинке мне прямо на нос... Я сел, посмотрел на продолжавшую спать пастушку, затем увидел что я так и сижу со спущенными штанами, сильно запачкаными спермой... Тогда я встал вытер платком штаны, прикрыл зад пастушки юбкой, завязал её развязанную рубашку, наклонился еще раз всмотрелся в безмятежное лицо, поцеловал её в губы и хотел было уже идти сквозь лопухи наверх, но в голове вдруг пронеслась мысль, - надо что то взять на память об этом необычном приключении, хоть платок, хоть пуговицу, хоть тесемочку какую-нибудь... Нет! не то! Волосы ! Я срежу у неё один завиточек с ануса! Это самое лучшее! Я достал острый как бритва нож, опять откинул юбку вдохнув волну её запаха, отодвинул ягодицу немного полюбовался её задней дырочкой, потом взял пальцами и оттянул один длинный и слипшийся завиток волос, прямо возле ануса, и мастерски срезал его под самый корень. Понюхал, завернул в чистый платок, положил за пазуху, и закрыв голый зад девушки юбкой, пошел наверх...
I got on a horse and went to the house. I was hungry and in a great mood, I rode through the spacious fields, looked at the wheat, at the huge blue sky, and I was happy with this sun, this space and peace... When I arrived at the estate, I found the courtyard in a noisy crowd, the harvest festival was approaching, the people were busy preparing a lot of fun. And, after eating, I also plunged together with everyone into the pre-holiday chores...
It took quite a long time, and the day was already beginning to decline in the evening, the sun was no longer shining but filling the air with a thin golden light, when a barefoot boy, a shepherd boy from the local peasants, came up to me in the yard and said, "Sir, this is for you..., they asked"... and handing me a silk embroidered bag, he ran away...
A gift from the local peasants? I thought cheerfully.But when I opened it, at first I didn't understand, then when I saw what was there, my breath caught, and then I almost burst out laughing! In the bag was a bell on a pink ribbon, which was tied in several places with small curling pigtails, twisted from twisted, dark brown hair with a golden-brown tint.
There are many more interesting things

Meeting in the park

Holidays in Thailand

Deep blowjob in the cinema - erotic story

I swam with the boys in the bath

A pleasant way home from the Crimea

Spied on in a beach booth

A walk with my wife to a nudist beach-part two

Walking with my wife on a nudist beach

Passionate nudist vacation in Cuba

Getting to know Snezhana on a nudist beach

Sex on a nude beach

I went to the nudist beach