A walk with my wife to a nudist beach-part two
Продолжение рассказа "Nudist beach". Рассказывает жена.
As my husband has already written, this is our first time on such a beach. I didn't want to go. I do not have a complex from the stripes of a swimsuit, especially since my husband has repeatedly said how light stripes from panties and a bra excite him. But I agreed, I went. not one to let go!
When we arrived, I see a surprising number of pretty, slender women. Here it is necessary to keep an eye and an eye, otherwise the husband will be fucked right away. But when they told us about the sex booths, I didn't believe it at first. However, it is really so and it is exciting. It's a man who needs rough sex to get excited, but I need half-hints, an appropriate atmosphere. And it was fully present!...
The opaque, translucent walls did not allow you to clearly see, but the silhouettes were clearly visible. I was struck by the fact that this is a movie, that in the booths they really love each other, caress each other! Here is this girl who enlightened us just from a man. What a smell she had!
Но кроме кабинок, там было еще что посмотреть. По пляжу прогуливались молодые люди прекрасными членами. Я никогда не думала, что меня может возбудить вид члена. Но тут... То ли атмосфера пляжа так действует, не знаю. Но я смотрела на стенки кабинок, представляя, что там происходит, и смотрела на этих ребят, вернее, на члены. Я ничего не могла с собой поделать! Я хотела их! Что со мной, неужели я блядь? Рядом муж, а я как сучка хочу другого члена!
When my husband caresses my clitoris with his finger, he sometimes whispers all sorts of fantasies in my ear, and sometimes about two men. Several times it turned me on terribly and I came very hard, but then it became unpleasant for me, and I asked not to say it anymore. And now I'm starting to flow like a cat myself!
От обилия обнаженных тел Дима настолько завелся, что пришлось отправить его в прохладную воду, пусть охладится чуток, а то он меня или трахнет прямо здесь или зальет совсем. я видела, как у него яйца набухли и какой громадной стала головка. Дома я им займусь. Спокойно и со вкусом. Прямо в подъезде возьму его за мошонку и поведу домой. Дома, прямо в прихожей возьму в губки этот сладкий леденец -- горячий, пульсирующий ствол. И буду его ласкать губами, язычком, поглаживая эти набухшие, переполненные яички. А в это время Дима будет ласкать мою грудь, постепенно ее обнажая, пощипывать сосочки, сжимать до боли мои полушария. А я глубже и глубже заглатываю член, постанывая от страсти, поглаживая своего малыша. И я почувствую приближение его оргазма по дыханию, напряжению, по бессвязным признаниям в любви, по попытке еще глубже вогнать член в мой ротик - отстранюсь, чтобы эта струя ударила в лицо, в глаза, чтобы это сладкий пряный сок любви стекал по моему лицу, пока я еще целую эту обмягшую головку, обцеловываю эти любимые яички.
And my husband pulls me up to him, he kisses my passionate lips, he kisses my eyes filled with his sperm, he growls with passion, I feel his cock ready again. I lead him to the bed, my bosom is just burning, asking for this thick dick. Dima gets down on his knees, he wants to lick me all over, but this is later, later, my beloved, then my dear, you will lick me all over, you will drink your wife without a trace, and now break into me with a dick, my dear, beloved, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!
Completely forgetting myself, I suddenly discovered that my husband was still cooling down in the river, and two guys with semi-erect members were approaching me. How beautiful they were! I didn't know what to do, how not to look at them, I averted my eyes, but I saw, I saw everything! The guys stood next to me, literally at arm's length, and were talking about something. I pulled up my legs, bent my knees, covering my excited chest. What will they think of me! That a girl with protruding nipples is sitting and looking at their penises. So she really sits and looks. And there is no Dimka, he would have helped, they would not have come so close, I would not have felt this stupefying smell, I would not have looked at them like that! I was like in a trance, I saw Dima come out of the water and walk towards us, but at the same time I saw the trunk that was closer to me: a large head of a regular shape, a hole. from which everything flows, the trunk itself is long, thick, intertwined with veins, strong, beautiful. he was so close to me that I could feel his warmth.
Sitting down next to me, my husband touched me and I involuntarily swayed to the side and touched the trunk of one of the guys with my cheek. I felt like I was burned. This is someone else's, another member, not the husband, but the husband is sitting next to him. But how pleasant it is, this strange trunk! Straightening up, I straightened my legs at the knees, exposing my tense, excited chest and pubis. The guy I touched must have seen it, because his penis suddenly reared up sharply. almost grazing my lips. At this time, I felt a hand lightly touch my chest. They want me! They want to fuck me! And the husband, the beloved husband of the bitch flowing from passion is nearby! I looked into his eyes and understood everything. He loves me and wants it to be. so that I can experience it. He said something to me, but I didn't hear it, I was very excited about what was happening. They gave me a hand and I went to the booths with the guys.
Пока мы шли, мне казалось, что весь пляж смотрит, она идет ебаться. Она с мужиками идет ебаться! Я стояла у входа и ощущала ладони на попе, не две ладони, а четыре! Я опустила руки и коснулась их членов. Это незнакомые, чужие члены будут моими! Я стала их легонько поглаживать, немного приходя в себя. Но я боялась очнуться, боялась испугаться, уйти, убежать, и ведь так хотелось остаться! Наконец, кабинка освободилась, и мы вошли туда. На пороге я обернулась. Дима сидел и смотрел на меня. Я шепнула воздуху "Любимый, спасибо!" И еще успела подумать, что хочу, чтобы он видел, то, что сейчас будет. Наверное, в глубине души он хотел, чтобы мною восхищались, меня хотели. И сейчас меня будут ебать. Гордись мной, любимый...
Мне вдруг стало так страшно, дура, что я делаю! Но было поздно. Четыре ласковые ладони гладили мою грудь и шейку. Я подняла голову и тут же мой рот закрыли чужие мягкие губы. Язык Игоря раздвинул мои губы и проник в рот. Я в ответ тоже заработала языком, обниMay и гладя его сильное тело. Олег стал целовать мою грудь. как она потянулась ему навстречу! какое наслаждение, ощущать губы одновременно в разных местах -- на губах, на груди... Олег играл моими сосочками, нежно их гладил губами, покусывал. гладил пальцами. Руки моих любовников постепенно распределялись по всему телу. Кто-то гладил плечи, спину, кто-то животик, перемежая ласки поцелуями. Моя душа летала. Я гладила их обоих, их головы, плечи. Их руки ниже, ниже... Вот чья-то ладонь гладит и мнет мою попу, сладко мнет, пальчик проникает между половинок и опускается ниже. Я замерла. Сейчас он коснется меня ТАМ! И пальчик сзади и ладонь спереди обхватывают меня между бедрами. Лапают мою пизду. Как же сладко! Две руки. Там. Я теку так, как никогда. Даже бедра стали влажные.
Finally, they gently laid me on the platform and the caresses became more sophisticated and frank. They both approached me and began stroking my body with their dicks, leaving traces of their juice on the skin. It smelled deliciously of an excited dick, you know this smell. I was getting more and more turned on, I wanted to wrap my lips around this trunk, touch the head with my tongue, drink the salty nectar of desire, suck it all up to the root, bury myself in these hard curly pubic hair and suck, suck, suck!
And so Oleg brought his unit to my face, began to move his head over my eyes, cheeks, touched my lips. God, I'm going to suck someone else's cock now! A huge, thick, beautiful cock! I parted my lips and gently cupped this suffering head. It was so big that I had to open my mouth even wider. But I was able to swallow it. I sucked it, sucked it, stroking and squeezing the eggs, taking it out of the greedy burning mouth, licking it, caressing the head with my tongue and sucking it back to the base. How Oleg groaned!
Член Игоря был рядом, я его ласкала рукой, водила по груди, по соскам, по лицу. Непередаваемое ощущение -- сосать член, а другой держать в ладони и дрочить. Видя, что Олег скоро кончит, я переключилась на член Игоря. Он тоже был очень красивый -- твердый и мощный. Лаская его член, гладя другой, я забывала про все. но любовники помнили. Игорь мягко освободился от захвата, вскоре я ощутила его дыхание в своей промежности. Я замерла в предвкушении неземного блаженства. Его губы коснулись моих половых губок, меня словно пробил разряд! Я развела пошире ноги, облегчая задачу Олегу, пока я ласкала Игоря.
Мужской язык внизу, член вверху -- я наслаждалась, я млела, я была в нирване. Первый оргазм подкатил быстро. В голове помутилось, я сжала бедрами голову, не выпуская ее от себя, и чуть не поперхнувшись членом Игоря, закричала. Меня трясло, тело сводили судороги, я не могла сдержаться. Сосу хуй, пизду мою лижут и готовят к главному.
When Igor began to lick me, I was on the verge of fainting, I no longer understood who was licking me, whose tongue was in my womb, whose lips were sucking my clitoris, whose penis was in my greedy lips. the orgasm was almost continuous. I tried to reach them, touched their hot strong bodies, stroked, pinched. They crushed my breasts, ass, kissed me all over, everywhere. Under their hands, I spread out and gathered again, lost consciousness and came to myself again, squeezing the penis with my lips, and the male head with my hips.
When I once again closed my eyes, I felt the head of the penis at the entrance to the womb. she slowly, gently, smoothly entered me, filling me with her power, passion, hot, incandescent essence. I let my cock out of my mouth, wanting to enjoy these sensations. And then Igor started hammering me. He hammered me with his monster, penetrating into all corners, tightly squeezing my buttocks. His balls came into contact with me with slaps, his head almost reached my stomach, my breasts shuddered in time with the thrusts. Oleg was excited by this, he began to kiss my face, caressing my excited breasts. Igor increased the pace of blows, I could no longer suck, but only held his big, tense cock. I pressed it to my face, kissed it. Igor was getting ready to cum. he took his club out of me, squeezed his penis and began to masturbate furiously. A few seconds later, a hot stream of sperm burst out, flooding her stomach and chest.
Oleg took his place and continued to fuck my pussy. His blows were more measured, the walls were already stretched and did not hurt, I only got a buzz. I beckoned to Igor and began to lick his tired penis. At this time, Oleg turned me over on my stomach and put me with cancer. Igor lay down under me, I took his cock in my mouth, and he began to kiss the bosom with Oleg's penis. The sensations are indescribable: a member in my mouth, a member in me, a tongue on the clitoris. The orgasm covered my head again. I was leaking, Oleg got out all in my juice, and Oleg was hammering and hammering, kneading my ass, chest, I was standing with cancer, shaking my head, not understanding much anymore, only enjoying the fullness, these powerful blows, strong hands on my hips. through the veil, I saw a member and reached for it. but at this time Oleg began to cum. With a growl, he impaled me on his club, then pulled it out and splashed everything on my pubis. He was dripping with my juices, sperm. I was unable to get up. The guys came up to me, I kissed them in turn and their dicks. then she asked me to help me walk back. The guys wanted more, but I couldn't do it anymore. And I didn't give them an ass. Now, I'll probably print it out for my husband.
He deserved it.
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