Nudism has come to Belarus
The war of nudists with police officers is in full swing in the Belarusian capital. Recently, law enforcement agencies have begun to organize raids on the Minsk Sea in order to fine "violators of order". Naturists with experience are outraged, claiming that these places have always been considered the abode of naked bodies. Now, seeing the representatives of the law ,the "nudes" are forced to urgently pull on swimming trunks, merging with the "textile workers".
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Fiolent - where to relax Naked
Rest of nudists in serebryany bor, photos and videos
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Cape Kazantip-rest of nudists in the complex " Lavender"
The ban on nudism on the island of Goa is already in force
Baltimore Parks are now open to Nudists
Nudists of America-Places of rest for nudists and naturists
Nudists of Russia - Places of rest for nudists
Nudists of Spain - Places of rest for nudists
Nudists of France - Places of rest for nudists
400 British nudists set a Guinness World Record
Nudist beaches of the Crimea