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23 long videos of nudist festivals from 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017
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    " " Nudism in Soviet Russia

    Nudism in Soviet Russia

    "Притчей во языцах" стала фраза "у нас секса нет", произнесенная в пылу полемики на одном из телемостов СССР -- США в самом начале 90-х годов. Произнесла её солидная дама средних лет, имея в виду, конечно, не полное отсутствие либидо у граждан СССР, а принятое тогда у нас скромное замалчивание этой естественной части жизни любого нормального человека. То есть, попросту говоря, для советского общества было характерно обыкновенное ханжество. Поэтому можно подумать, что для СССР нудизм -- вообще явление неприемлемое. Отнюдь нет. На заре построения нового общества, в 1919-20-х годах в молодой советской республике появилось движение нудистов под лозунгом "Долой стыд".

    Russian shabolda wants to swim and changes clothes in a beach booth. The girl feels comfortable and boldly shows cool tits, and then a naked ass. The lovely back appears before us not in profile, but it looks great on a hidden camera installed in the booth.

    The same completely naked citizens appeared on the streets of Moscow, in public transport in major cities. And what about the all-powerful Council of People's Commissars then? On the one hand, free from everything, including clothing, citizens had the right to expose their bodies to the sun and wind with unconditional health benefits. On the other hand-well, it looked strange somehow on the streets of large cities. The Commissariat for Health was instructed to investigate this situation. And the head of the Commissariat for Health, a diplomatic and intelligent professor Semashko managed to understand the current situation.

    The Commissariat for Health recommended: due to the fact that the air on the streets of large cities is too polluted and has a bad effect on the health of citizens, nudism was categorically not recommended within the framework of industrial centers, and almost all large cities were like that. But outside the city, in nature, in peace and solitude-please, nudism can flourish. And it is useful for health, and does not irritate anyone. So, in Soviet Russia, the first nudist societies appeared.

    Nudism in Soviet Russia

    Nudism in Soviet Russia

    1. kozdoebov
      16 October 2016 09:41
      + -1 -
      "Beauty and New York" - Girls on the roofs of skyscrapers-Naked