Naked - website for adults

22 long videos of nudist festivals from 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017
  • on Channel 🔱 Koktebel - Neptune Days 🔱
  • This is not porn or erotica! No censorship! Films about naturists, body freedom and self-expression through nudity!

    " " Nudists and society

    Nudists and society

    There is a dual attitude towards nudists in society - on the one hand, we like to look at nudity, and on the other, we condemn public manifestations of bodily freedom. Meanwhile, lovers of nudity adhere to certain moral principles, they have developed a whole philosophy of the relationship between Man and Nature.

    Ignorant people often confuse exhibitionists, nudists and naturists, not seeing any fundamental differences between them. Meanwhile, the former are exposed solely for the sake of shocking, the latter do it for the sake of freedom and their own pleasure, and the third adhere to complex philosophical views that have been developing for decades.

    Social norms and nudity

    Naturists have formed their own world, in which they abstract from the ossified social foundations. Representatives of the "nudity" subculture do not think of themselves outside of these views. Nudists are extremely rare in public - they can mostly be seen on "wild" beaches and in resort towns with free European customs.

    Society is used to educating us in the spirit of tabooing certain parts of the body, so nudism is considered something unnatural, and some even classify it as a mental disorder.

    But these standards are not accepted everywhere! Imagine that you were born in Australia or Polynesia, in one of the tribes for which nudity is a natural state. It's hot in the equatorial and tropical regions, so no one is packed in a pile of meaningless clothes. A European in a hat, trousers and shirt will cause confusion among Polynesians. So much for the difference in cultures.

    What is nudity?

    By the way, there is also a difference in the concepts of different peoples about the permissible level of exposure. French ladies 300 years ago covered their shoulders, Chinese women were embarrassed to show their feet, and oriental beauties - their faces. Some peoples hide the genitals, but expose the female breasts to the public. The concept of decency is relative.

    We admire Rembrandt's paintings and antique statues, but we forget that nude models posed for the masters of antiquity. Conventions rule the world, but let's try to look at nudists without excessive bias. These are not maniacs and madmen, they are people with their own system of values. Nudists often oppose the killing of animals, slavery and other bad phenomena. In addition, they are vegetarians. There is no shocking and wildness in nudism - this is the natural state of a person.