The city of nudists and naturists
There is a real one in France the city of nudists-Cap Dag. Every year, about 90 thousand nudity lovers from all over Europe come here. Why is Europe there-people flock to Cap Dag nudist families from different continents. This is a true paradise for those who prefer the nude style in everyday life. The city is able to accept a lot of nudists, because it has a developed infrastructure, including entertainment centers, shops, cafes and restaurants. In Cap Dag, you can walk topless and completely naked - no one will stop you.
There are many more interesting things
A lot of nudists in different places photos
Winter bathing of nudists and naturists in Kiev
Cute vacation of Russian nudists and naturists
Restaurant for nudists
The canton of Appenzell-A paradise for nudists has been closed
Corsica - Where nudists are allowed to relax
Baltimore Parks are now open to Nudists
Nudists of America-Places of rest for nudists and naturists
Nudists of Croatia - Places of rest for nudists
Nudists of Spain - Places of rest for nudists
Nudists of France - Places of rest for nudists
Kampen nudist beach on the island of Sylt